Thursday, July 31, 2008


Our decisions in the past good and bad brought us to where we are now in the present. However, bad judgment, bad decisions, wrong moves do not necessarily bring about a miserable present or future. The outcome of our decisions do not evaluate our past judgment.

Looking back, I've made "bad" decisions after bad decisions on significant choices that makes or breaks a typical life. I chose to go out with barkada over my studies in High School, I chose to enroll only on subjects I enjoyed in College and eventually dropped out, I chose to live away from my family to join a band, I chose to elope and marry than to finish my studies, I chose to stay and see my first born than to sail on the Floating University, I chose to stay and see my third child than to work in Chicago, I chose to go back and stay in the Philippines than to stay for good in Boston.

These were just some of the pretty bad choices I made but looking at them then and seeing where and what I am today makes me wonder if I would have chosen differently given another chance.

I wonder what makes me feel better about my life than those who made better choices and yet miserable with their lives. Here are some of my thoughts:

  • None of those choices were "bad" -- from my perspective, I decided with my own conviction and with all my heart and mind. The key is "all" ergo no doubt, no second-thoughts. Bad as they may seem my heart felt otherwise. Bad moves are those made in bad faith.
  • Never said "cooshoo" (chould-have, should-have)-- good or bad, when I've made my move it's good all the way. I do what I do because I wanted to and I had to. I may decide to reciprocate the outcome of my actions but that would be another decision altogether (As I did when I decided to finish college eventually). Sorry doesn't change anything, move forward.
  • Never lost the heart of my decision -- I've always kept the heart of my decisions in mind. The "WHY" I decided the way I did. When the outcome does not come out as expected and I start feeling sorry, I call to mind the "WHY", assess the situation, make another decision and move forward.

All things happen for a reason because "...all things work together for good to those who love God" (rom 8:28). And they do. If you believe this verse, you won't spend too much time feeling sorry for what you have done. Find the heart and reason why you did what you did and move forward. If you believe you made a "booboo" for making a move in what you honestly think is in bad faith, repent and move forward.

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